Nutritional Genetics

Optimise your health outcomes: Use DNA tests to better understand your personal diet, lifestyle, and supplement requirements.

DNAlysis accredited practitioner

Your first test is full price, R2750.00 (inclues delivery and collection)
any additional tests added will be only R650 each.

DNA Health Test

Biological Areas covered in the Health Test are – Lipid Metabolism, Methylation, Detoxification, Inflammation, Oxidative stress, Bone Health, and Insulin Sensitivity. The test results will priorities these areas and indicate which of them needs increased support compared to standard health recommendations. In the cases where results in these areas indicate High priority it means that the area will require increased support with regards to appropriate diet, lifestyle, and nutraceutical interventions to off-set the imbalances in that pathway caused by the genetic variants you carry. 

For example, if the Detoxification area shows up as a high priority area it means that the area needs support because the process function in the body aids the removal of harmful substances such as pollution, alcohol & drugs, from your body.  

Intervention:  Increase intake of a variety of cruciferous vegetables (cabbage family – broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts), preferable organic, to a portion per day. Relevant Supplementation can be added to support detoxification.

DNA Diet Test

Understanding weight management is key because an individual’s susceptibility to becoming overweight/obese has a strong genetic contribution, many other factors also play a significant role, including environmental exposure to toxins and stress, gut health, hormonal health and age, exercise behaviour, and dietary intake.  

DNA Diet can help you to implement a holistic and personalised approach to weight management, considering your unique genetic code and how you would respond to dietary, lifestyle and exercise interventions which can then improve motivation, compliance, and sustainable weight management outcomes.

DNA Oestrogen Test

The DNA Oestrogen test is a nutrigenetics test that reports on gene variants that have an impact on how oestrogen is processed in the body and gives insight into whether the processing of oestrogen and related compounds, is efficient and healthy. 

The DNA oestrogen test guides the personalisation of diet hormone and nutritional supplements recommendations to improve oestrogen metabolism. 

Research has shown that increased lifetime exposure to oestrogen and unbalanced oestrogen metabolism is a strong risk factor in the development of breast ovarian and prostate cancer as well as oestrogen dominant disorders.

DNA Mind Test

DNA Mind is a genetic test that reports on variants in genes that have significant associations with mental health including risk for addictive behaviour, cognitive decline, depression, anxiety, and mood regulation. 

The test is suitable for those who are concerned about a family history of, or are personally suffering from mental illness, specifically around addiction, cognitive decline, or mood disorders.  

The Medcheck test should be considered alongside DNA Mind in these cases.
DNA Mind is also valuable as an adjunct to DNA Health for clients seeking to improve overall longevity, including mental wellness by refining their health routine with a targeted approach to diet, lifestyle, and nutraceuticals.

DNA Skin Test

DNA Skin is a genetic test that offers insight into key areas that influence skin health, offering personalised topical, nutraceutical, diet, and lifestyle recommendations for improved outcomes. 

DNA Skin offers significant value for any individual who wants to address skin concerns including elasticity, pigmentation, breakouts, accelerated ageing due to sun damage and pollution, and sensitive skin issues.

Adopt a personalised approach, inside and out,
to improve the look and the health of your skin.

DNA Smile Test

DNA Smile is a genetic test designed to give insights into the state of your oral health and your predisposition for developing periodontal disease, tooth caries and other systemic diseases. 

The DNA Smile report offers targeted, personalised diet, nutraceutical, lifestyle, and oral health recommendations to offset possible genetic weaknesses and optimise oral and systemic health outcomes.

DNA Resilience Test

Feeling stressed? Battling to cope?

Our socio-economic environment has rarely been more stressful; resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’ and mentally and emotionally cope under adverse conditions. This genetic test provides insight into your genetic resilience potential and is designed to help you manage your stress and perform optimally under adverse conditions. 

The report can determine an individuals’ genetic potential for resilience and provide ways in which intrinsic strengths can be amplified and existing weaknesses reduced. The gene-based action steps you will receive in your report centre on highly individualised lifestyle strategies that leverage diet, targeted activity, lifestyle changes, and nutritional supplements. 

DNA Resilience is a genetic test for individuals looking to cope better under stressful or demanding conditions, or lead more effectively in business, sport and life. DNA Resilience can help enhance your mental, emotional and physical health, and inform lifestyle strategies that enable you to live up to your fullest potential, overcome stress and excel in everyday life, from work to home. 

DNA Resilience reports on the seven key molecular areas that have the greatest influence on resilience. They are: stress axis, oxytocin, the neurotrophic pathway, neuropeptide Y, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.

Given the hereditability of emotional regulation (30%), temperament (±56%) and cognitive aptitude (>99%), a critical knowledge and understanding of individual genetics and environmental influences can unlock exceptional resilience and a performance advantage regardless of circumstances.

‘From potential to performance’. 

‘From surviving to thriving’

DNA Sport Test

Looking to improve sports performance, reduce the risk of injury and get the most out of your training?

There is no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to exercise and sports performance. Train according to your unique genetic potential.

DNA Sport® is a genetic test designed to guide the personalisation of exercise and training recommendations. The report provides highly personalised and effective training advice, allowing you to adapt to, compensate for, and maximise your genetic strengths.

DNA Sport is a genetic test for those looking to get maximum benefit from time spent training, and better understand their risk for soft tissue injuries and optimal recovery times. So, whether you are a newcomer to exercise, a weekend warrior, or an elite athlete looking for that extra edge; speak to your healthcare practitioner today about how DNA Sport can help you adopt a more personalised approach to achieving your performance goals.

DNA Grow baby Test

GrowBaby is a genetic test for moms-to-be, designed to help you better understand the functioning of key biological pathways that influence maternal and fetal health, and how these relate to the major birth phenotypes.
The report provides valuable insights into how you can optimise health outcomes for mom and baby using gene-based personalised diet, supplement, and lifestyle interventions.

Any woman who plans to conceive, optimising health in pregnant women, women who have experienced issues with regards to conception and pregnancy can benefit from this test.

DNA Active Test

Have you hit your training plateau?

There is no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to exercise and sports performance. Train according to your unique genetic potential to get maximum benefit.

DNA Active® is a genetic test designed to guide the personalisation of training and nutritional recommendations to optimise athletic performance. It provides insight into power and endurance potential, genetic risk for soft tissue injuries and how to ensure optimal recovery time between high intensity sessions. The DNA Active report is your handy reference guide to weight management, exercise responsiveness, nutrient requirements, and a host of other factors that will combine to help you reach your performance goals. The DNA Active test was created to assist trainers and coaches in designing unique and effective training and nutrition programmes, optimised to assist clients in accomplishing their performance and weight loss goals. The test is suitable for the elite performance athlete as well as the recreational athlete looking to maximise their fitness potential and reach peak levels of conditioning.


Discover your origins with the most comprehensive ancestry test in Africa. By analysing thousands of genetic variations in your DNA, and comparing them to established population databases, we can take you back thousands of generations to determine where in the world your ancestors came from. 

Where in the world is your DNA from?

The story of our human ancestry is written in one place – our genes. As DNA is passed down from generation to generation, it contains information from all our ancestors, recombined in such a way that makes each of us unique. The current genetic makeup of the world’s population is the direct result of migrations and settlements from Africa to the four corners of the world, which occurred because of changes in climate, cultural progress, and territorial conquests.

Today, human populations are largely organised into three ancestral population groups – Africa, Asia, and Eurasia – with genetic diversity existing between these groups. By analysing millions of variants at the same time we acquire excellent resolution in identifying your origin based on your genetic profile.


Medcheck gives you insights into your responsiveness to different medications and the likelihood of side effects and treatment failure. Medcheck gives insight into how a patient metabolizes, transports and binds specific drugs, which in turn allows physicians to prescribe those medications that are most likely to prove effective whilst minimising side effects.

Such a personalised approach to medicine has the power to produce better results, particularly for individuals whose genetic profile puts them at risk of experiencing either treatment failure or an adverse reaction from a given drug.

The Medcheck test is suitable for anyone on medication* or planning to start a new medication*. The Medcheck test is also suitable for anyone experiencing side-effects to their medication* or not responding to their medication*, or where their prescribing doctor is constantly having to adjust the dose of the medication* outside of the recommended range.

*It is important to confirm that the medication you are questioning is included in the Medcheck report as this test does not report on all medication, but rather only medication for which there is sufficient scientific evidence linking the metabolism of the medication to a genetic variant.

The benefits of the Medcheck pharmacogenetics test include:

  • Improving drug efficacy
  • Decreasing length of treatment time
  • Minimising adverse side effects
  • Reducing money spent on ineffective medications or time in hospital