I have a Dream

Believe in your dreams...

Meet the founder

Yolande’s attention to detail led her to photography, she photographed over 2000 families. This made her pursue her dream. She obtained her BA Psychology Degree while running a business and raising two incredible children. In 2020 she obtained her Honours Degree in Psychological Counselling.  

"I love that moment when I finish something I started."

When she is not seen behind her books, she holds the camera and loves to go for long walks in nature. She believes that laughing is the best therapy for her soul. She keeps a good balance between work, studies, and family time. Hard work never stopped her from achieving her goals.

One can express emotions and thoughts through photography; this belief, combined with her studies in psychology, led her to EQ4KIDS. She is the proud owner of the Johannesburg North franchise, and she has shown growth during the pandemic with her innovative thinking.

She completed her Post-grad studies at University of Pretoria and UNISA.  Her learning did not stop there, she is currently a second year MBA candidate at the University of Johannesburg.

One of her favourite quotes is by Mahatma Gandhi.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

"Plant them in a pot (earth) with the right mix of compost (education system that focus to develop, with EQ development) water them daily with enough LOVE, CARE AND PRAYERS and they will flower their own beautiful flowers (their own potential)."  Yolande Brugman