Why should you do the NAP Assessment? 

To improve your neuro-agility.

Neuro-agility is about the readiness of all the senses and brain regions to function as one integrated whole brain system, being receptive and responsive to receive and transmit bio-chemical impulses at optimum capacity under new and potentially stressful conditions.

Determine your unique neuro-design. 

Align your design with job and career choices

Optimize your brain performance

Identify how you are talented

Reduce your risk for error

Create a personalised individual development plan

It is a tool to assess the things that need to be improve.
You can not improve what you cannot measure

Available assessments to do:

1. NAP advanced for adults

2. Student performer for college

3. NAP Toolbox for school children

Cost per assessment with a 60min feedback session R2600
6 Drivers that optimize your brain performance
  • 1.       Brain Fitness

    2.       Stress

    3.       Sleep

    4.       Movement

    5.       Attitude

    6.       Brain Food